Unlock your child’s hidden superpowers!

Parentof is where your superhero’s origin story begins. Through activities and personal mentorship, we strengthen your child’s ability to successfully do everything they are truly capable of. And beyond!

World’s First AI based Cognitive Intelligence Platform

Creating products to benefit Growth and Development of Learners.

Parentof is a Decision Sciences organization which provides Insights through Growth and Developmental analytics.

World’s First AI based Cognitive Intelligence Platform

Creating products to benefit Growth and Development of Learners.

Parentof is a Decision Sciences organization which provides Insights through Growth and Developmental analytics.

World’s First AI based Cognitive Intelligence Platform

Creating products to benefit Growth and Development of Learners.

Parentof is a Decision Sciences organization which provides Insights through Growth and Developmental analytics.

Neuroscience At the heart of Our Work

Decoding the Brain Architecture

Brains are built over time, from the bottom up. The basic architecture of the brain is constructed through an ongoing process that begins before birth and continues into adulthood. Simpler neural connections and skills form first, followed by more complex circuits and skills. In the first few years of life, More than 1 Million new neural connections form every second. After this period of rapid proliferation, connections are reduced through a process called pruning, which allows brain circuits to become more efficient. These efficient circuits are what we at Parentof call Super Abilities.

Abilities are Interconnected

Cognitive, emotional, and social capacities are inextricably intertwined throughout the life course. The brain is a highly integrated organ and its multiple functions operate in coordination with one another. Emotional well-being and social competence provide a strong foundation for emerging cognitive abilities, and together they are the bricks and mortar of brain architecture. The emotional and physical health, social skills, and cognitive-linguistic capacities that emerge in the early years are all important for success in school, the workplace, and in the larger community.

Listen to what Harvard Center of Developing Child has to say about this.

ARC Engine Revolutionizing Education through AI
{Neuro Science + Data Science}

At Parentof, We have unlocked over 1500+ Micro abilities across Cognitive, emotional, Social and Physical domains that act as a foundation to all the learning that happens throughout your life

Listen to our Founder and CEO, Swaroop Madhavan, address the G20 Panel and Y20 Consultations as a Speaker on the Impact of AI in Healthcare on Behalf of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Govt of India.

Powered by Parentof’s ARC Engine

Meet the Worlds First AI Mental Health Assistant for Kids in Early and Formative Years

Powered by Parentof’s ARC Engine

Meet the Worlds First AI Drawing Mentor, Drawgogo.

The AI-powered app that aims to make you a better artist regardless of your current skill.

Powered by Parentof’s ARC Engine

Meet the Worlds First AI Handwriting Mentor, Handwritezy.

Helps you get better with your handwriting and solves Dysgraphia.

Powered by Parentof’s ARC Engine

Meet the Worlds First AI Math Ability Mentor, Math Lemon.

Solving for Math ability development and dyscalculia.

Our Math Ability AI can diagnose the Learning disabilities associated with Math. Often than not, Individuals weakness lies is their disability to understand a concept or behaviourally focus on a complex problem for longer than 5-6 Mins. If its Fear of Maths or a cognitive block, through data Math Lemon can personalise and reverse the outcomes drastically.

Our Superior technology is Certified by one of Asia’s Leading Neuro Science Research Organization, NIMHANS.

With 8+ Years of Research Parentof has built a unique AI technology to assess and build super abilities in every learner based on their needs. Spanning across 1500+ Parameters and multiple areas of growth, our AI Engine ensures that the Learner excels at everything by strengthening the right skills in them. See how we make it all happen at Parentof!

We make it all happen at parentof!

Our AI Tutors have shown over 40% Growth in less than 60 days of Intervention.



Screen De-Addiction



Processing Speed



Executive Function



Speed of Writing

Interact. Experience. Learn.

Thousands of live classes, workshops, and competitions to choose from everyday!

Programs designed for enhanced life experiences

Our proprietary upskilling platform fosters skills and abilities to help your child adapt to the rapidly changing world with confidence. Only incredible adventures await your child with our Transform programs!

Paving the path for new-age child growth

Parentof has built a unique AI technology to assess and build super abilities in your child based on their needs. Spanning across 128 abilities and multiple areas of growth, our personalised programs ensure that your child excels at everything by strengthening the right skills in them. See how we make it all happen at Parentof!

Setting a new standard for learning

Parentof’s programs are thoughtfully curated for your child that inform you about their progress periodically. Every activity undertaken during the program’s duration is committed to adding value to your child’s experience here.

Small and Social

Our live, small-group format encourages social interactions and builds learner friendships.

Hands-on Projects

100+ real-time projects and competitions that put theoretical knowledge to test and help children understand concept applications in real life.

Reports and Certifications

120+ insights and reports shared across your child’s skills and abilities, to help you understand your child in a more meaningful manner.

Learning Minutes


In The Making

Innovation with no limits

Explore all that the kids at Parentof have done with the skills learnt here!
Tvarita Girme
A Device to detect food adulteration
Tarun Surya
App to control screen addiction
Shriram Kiran
Nature Cafe
Shrihan Goyal
Narframe - A body suit for the physically chalenged
Shatadru Mishra
Robot to aid the physically challenged
Shatadru Mishra
Robot to aid the physically challenged
Mohana Mehta
Solar Car

Parentof at Schools

Parentof has worked with numerous schools over the years. From setting up Skill Labs across the nation to setting up the PupilPod platform to bridge the gap between teachers and parents, Parentof is working towards developing products that will make a child’s academic experience efficient and effective.

Unparalleled Mentorship

All Parentof instructors and mentors are experts in their respective fields. With abundant practical and professional knowledge, they are the perfect teachers to build the right skill set in your child.

Parentof in Media

Hear it from Other Parents!

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