When you talk to your kid, it may sometimes seem like they’re speaking another language – one full of slang words and phrases you’ve never heard of. In this age of texting and emoji, you may even feel that your kid is talking a different language all together. When your kid’s using words like “IDK, TTYL, J , and YOLO”, chances are you miss out on what your kid’s trying to tell you. When “sick” means feeling ill to you, but it means “really good” to your kid, you know theirs is a language barrier. Does your child analyze what words he/she uses? How does he/she talk to different people? It’s important that your child knows how to talk to different people.
According to a research that we conducted across various schools, we found that 56% of parents said that their children (aged 10-13 years) don’t analyze the words they use while talking. Knowing what to say, how to say it and making sure their point is put across effectively is a skill that every child needs to learn over time. Analyzing one’s own language allows your kid to understand not only the power of words, but also how to use them effectively.
When your child analyzes his/her language:
- They are likely to succeed as leaders, as they efficiently persuade their peers, while working in groups
- Their teachers express more confidence in your child’s abilities
- They perform better in academics, as they are more confident in their ability to put across a point
When your child doesn’t look into his/her language:
- Your child is more likely to be less confident talking to peers, so he/she might become quiet and shy
- Your child may even develop a fear of public speaking
- Academically, your child may face difficulties in exams, because they struggle to put across what they know.
- They may even say hurtful things during a fight because they don’t understand the power of words
How can you help your child?
Here’s a parenting tip that will encourage your child to analyze the words he/she uses. Which words are hurtful? Which ones are polite? Which ones to use with family and friends? And which one’s to use with teachers? This will encourage your child to observe which words are appropriate and with whom.
Download the Mai app to improve your kid’s communication skills and also assess your child’s skill in ‘Semantic memory’.